Dairy Queen Confirmed: Almost 400 DQ Restaurants Exploited

Almost 400 DQ restaurants have had their credit card data exploited.According to KrebsonSecurity.com – Dairy Queen has confirmed a credit card data exploit at 395 of their stores.

In a statement released by DQ, their President and CEO – John Gainor, has outlined the exploit, and apologized for the breach. There is a list of the DQ stores with affected credit card data here.

It would appear that DQ was originally contacted in August about the breach by law enforcement, but when Brian Krebs asked the company for comment on rumors circulating on stolen card data exchanges of DQ sourced cards, the company at first denied the breach.

Dairy Queen uses Panasonic point of sale system (POS) and by contrast, the POS vendor did not deny, or confirm the data-breach.

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