If you are one of the 3.7 Millions patients who received letters from Banner Health this months, their hack might not be news to you. What might be news, is that you’re only one of 3.7 Millions Patients whose details were leaked during the hacking event.
The letter we received, indicated that the detailed exposed were MASSIVE – including:
name, birthdate, Social Security Number, address, physician’s name(s), date(s) of service, clinical information, and possibly health insurance information as a patient, current or former member of one of our health plans, a health plan where we are an accountable care organization (ACO), under your health plan, or a beneficiary of a Banner Health employee benefits plan.
Can you say “Holy Moly!!??!! They got EVERYTHING!!!!”
Banner also tacks on the useless statement:
Your medical care will not be affected.
Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?!?
Well – after we calm down – we’ll post some more on this – but until then… just be aware, there are attorneys waiting to take this to court. We would say, don’t immediately rule out being part of this class action.