
Happy Mother’s Day from Sophos

Have you ever had that phone call – email won’t download? A browser won’t open? Someone called from Microsoft with a kind offer of help for a virus? Chances are that if you have a mother who recently (in the last decade) got a computer – you may have received one of those phone calls (weekly in some cases).

USPS Hacked – 800,000 employee details + customer info compromised

In a Reuters article today we learned that the US Postal Service (USPS) was victim of a cyber attack that may have compromised the personal data of more than 800,000 employees, as well as customers who contacted their call center between January and August of 2014.

Employee data includes names, date of birth, social security numbers, addresses, employee state and end dates, as well as emergency contact information.

Top 5 Facebook scams this week…

Facebook is what it is, there simply is no way to change the colors of your profile or change the theme. Stay away from such messages if you want to avoid getting your PC infected with malware. As an additional reminder, do not click on anything to do with Ebola, they are now offering free toolbars that will warn you when Ebola pops up in your town, but it’s malware being installed instead.

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