Java adverts can be used to create million-strong botnets for just $500
Fake adverts could be used to "remote control" internet browsers on a massive scale – allowing for cheap DDoS attacks, where millions of unwitting web users "attack" target sites. Simply by buying adverts through legitimate ad networks, researchers from White Hat...
September 23, 2013: HIPAA health data security compliance deadline looms
September 23, 2013 is a date to note if your organization handles health-related information. You might be a medical clinic, or a company that does IT work for a clinic. You might not think of yourself as being a medical professional. You could be a data storage...
FBI up to their necks in cyber-snooping on citizens?
In the last couple of days, we've seen two articles detailing malware supposedly released by the FBI or other US federal bureau that was designed to snoop on citizens - in one case, via their Android phone - and in another, malware designed to reveal the identity of...
Carberp source code leaked – new variants expected
In an article on InfoSecurity, it has been reported that the Caberp bootkit malware source-code has been leaked and is freely available online... this will certainly lead to many, MANY more variations of the threat. The leak followed a "fire-sale" of the source code...
Carberp source code leaked – new variants expected
In an article on InfoSecurity, it has been reported that the Caberp bootkit malware source-code has been leaked and is freely available online... this will certainly lead to many, MANY more variations of the threat. The leak followed a "fire-sale" of the source code...
Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman
In a Guardian article from 2008, it was reported that Richard Stallman, founder of GNU (and the Free Software Foundation), is claiming that using web-based programs like GMail is Cloud computing is a trap, furthermore, claiming that cloud computing is "worse than...
The Secret Behind the “Like” Button
Gary Moyer recently posted a very good article which we tried to share with our facebook friends... and then his website went down for hours... it really is a good article - and here is the link: However -...
Linux/Cdorked.A malware: Lighttpd and nginx web servers also affected as well as Apache
ESET is reporting in their blog that the linux webserver exploit is much further spread than first reported - with exploited Apache, Lighttpd and nginx servers being found - this means that the stealthy redirecting malware that infects webservers has the potential to...
Facebook marketing for Fraud as a Service reports that with in the last week, researchers at RSA found a facebook page called "Casper Spy Botnet" that hackers and malware authors were using to sell and market the banking trojan named "zeus". The page was subsequently deactivated, but was...
WordPress under attack – BotNet of infected sites 90,000 strong already
According to Security Vender BifDefender and Brian Krebs of - WordPress websites are under heavy attack... Attackers are aiming at blogs running poorly-secured WordPress configurations in an attempt to create a powerful botnet that, according to...
Largest cyber-attack in history – going on NOW… or is it being hyped by DDoS providers?
If you experience slow internet today - it won't be surprising to us... but it might not be what we are told it is... according to "industry insiders" - the internet is currently witnessing the largest cyber-attack ever seen - and the attack seems to be some kind of...
We really appreciate it when customers let us know how we helped them…
We just got this email from a happy customer - he phoned us yesterday to ask us for advice before buying his ESET license ... Hi Greg! Please feel free to pass this around your organization. I called ESET (Computer Security Solutions) yesterday to inquire about a...
Mac threat #1 is Yontoo Trojan – a widespread Mac Trojan
According to Dr Web (another respected Antivirus supplier) - the number one Mac threat at the moment is Yontoo Trojan. Dr Web on Yontoo for Mac Yontoo hijacks web pages with adware and is detected by ESET CyberSecurity for Mac as Trojan software.
Mac threat #1 is Yontoo Trojan
According to Dr Web - the number one Mac threat at the moment is Yontoo Trojan Dr Web on Yontoo for Mac Yontoo hijacks web pages with adware and is detected by ESET CyberSecurity for Mac as Trojan software.
Win32/Cridex: Java pushes Cyprus into a Blackhole
Sadly, Cyprus has been the source of bad news lately. Even sadder, nothing travels faster than bad news, and bad people are all too ready to use bad news to trick their victims into opening bad files. My colleague Aleksandr Matrosov has alerted us to a spammed out...
Yet ANOTHER Java Zero-Day Exploit – March 2012
There is another Java Zero-Day Exploit in the wild - this one is affecting machines far and wide - even Microsoft machines have become infected! In an article dated yesterday - 1st March, 2013 - there are details of yet another Java ZERO-Day exploit -...
ESET Podcast February 2013 – Are Webcams a Security Threat?
Friday February 8, 2013 Listen to the MP3 Podcast - Are Webcams a Security Threat?
Getting help from Microsoft when Windows Update won’t finish
We all know that there are lots of things to update with a PC - the three most important things to update are: your operating system - this means Windows Updates your Antivirus software - should be the latest version - with a valid subscription for udpates your...
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