California has been collecting infant DNA since 1983


DNA Double Helix

A DNA Double Helix

Yes – California collected DNA from infants born in their state – stores it in Richmond, CA – and has been selling it to third parties for “research”.

The screening tests are generally mandatory under state law. When the program was first developed in the 1960s, Botkin said that the thinking behind it was that …

…the advantages for newborn screening were so compelling, it was appropriate or acceptable to have states simply mandate screening.

As of July 2014, 43 states allowed parents to decline the screening process based on religious beliefs or philosophical reasons, but the option is rarely exercised.

Yes – to sum it up – California tests, gathers and then stores all infant DNA and then proceeds to sell it for profit – yes, since 1983 this has been going on. THIS IS A GROSS VIOLATION OF PRIVACY.

Read more about how California is profiting for your DNA, or that of your child born in California at Naked Security – the Sophos Blog

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