Protecting Telecom With the Right Cyber Security Tools

Protecting Telecom With the Right Cyber Security Tools

Telecom fraud is estimated to cost companies almost $38 billion a year. However, the true cost is immeasurable given the damage caused to the reputation of the hacked organization, which has a trickle-down effect as clients become wary after having their information...
Tips for a Better Incident Response Strategy

Tips for a Better Incident Response Strategy

Between cyberattacks, data breaches and factors related to human error, security risks organizations face today are more widespread than ever. Is there enough focus on proper incident response in your industry, and more importantly, across your organization? Many will...
Know the True Costs of Ransomware and How to Prevent It

Know the True Costs of Ransomware and How to Prevent It

Wondering what a ransomware attack will cost your company? According to research from Accenture, the costs went up by 27% between 2016 and 2017, and experts expect that trend to continue from 2017 to 2018. Ransomware is widely seen as a lucrative form of cybercrime,...
Antivirus Solutions That Will Work for Your System

Antivirus Solutions That Will Work for Your System

Free antivirus software can appear both financially responsible and adequately thorough for your organization’s needs. However, the costs associated with being infected greatly outweigh the money saved. To rely on one of these budget-friendly antivirus solutions is to...