CiCi’s Restaurants Appears to be Next Data Breach Victim

CiCis_PizzaAccording to Krebs On Security, Cici’s restaurants appears to be the latest victim of the POS data breach trend.

Over the past two months, KrebsOnSecurity has received inquiries from fraud fighters at more than a half-dozen financial institutions in the United States — all asking if I had any information about a possible credit card breach at CiCi’s. Every one of these banking industry sources said the same thing: They’d detected a pattern of fraud on cards that all had all been used in the last few months at various CiCi’s Pizza locations.

The restaurant chain referred Krebs to Champion Management, a third-party restaurant management firm. However he was told that “the issue” was being handled by an outside PR firm called SPM Communications. Krebs eventually contacted the chain’s POS provider Datapoint which confirmed that the Secret Service was conducting an investigation surrounding several POS vendors in “one particular franchise”. “I went to look up the contact information for Datapoint [sic], and found that Google was trying to prevent me from visiting this site. According to the search engine giant,

CiCi’s is headquartered in Texas and has more than 500 restaurants throughout the USA



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