Cybercrime is biggest threat to small and medium-size firms ‘by far’

The Federation of Small Business’ Home Office & MoJ Policy Unit Chair Richard Parlour laid out just why cyberSecurity is so critical for the SME/SMB sector.

The main reason is that 80% of SMEs/SMBs who get hit by a major Cyber Event, will not survive 2 year after the event.

Think about that for a while – if your small-medium sized company is hit by a major breach or hack, there is a 4/5 chance that your company will fold within two years.

Planning for a large Cyber Event isn’t that difficult, but many small businesses are simply too busy and ill-equipped to handle the task. This is why companies like Computer Security Solutions exists.

Covering the CyberSecurity basics doesn’t cost an arm and a leg – you start with backups – if you don’t have BUSINESS GRADE backups, then you are an 80% waiting to happen. If you can’t prevent most malware, you could be rushing headlong towards being an 80% statistic. If your endpoint protection isn’t helping you update critical software and reporting problems to someone who actually ACTS on those notices, then you’re possibly on that runaway train going over a cliff.

Contact us today to talk about your Cyber Preparedness – we can help you cover the basics without breaking the bank, and make plans to ensure that your business continuity has a FAR better chance than the 20% chance it might otherwise have.

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