Is Iran Responsible for recent Cyberattacks on US Banks?

Is Iran responsible for recent CyberAttacks on US Banks?

Is Iran responsible for recent CyberAttacks on US Banks?

Is Iran Responsible for recent CyberAttacks on US Banks?[/caption]According to Mashable – Several American banks, from Bank of America to Wells Fargo, Citigroup and others, have experienced CyberAttacks in recent months – which *may* be the work of Iranian based Cyber Attackers… these attacks are generally Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks launched from data-centers – a slightly more sophisticated DDoS attack than normal.

It has been speculated that this might be some kind of retaliation for attacks on Iran via Stuxnet, which were rumored to have been US and Israeli sourced CyberAttacks on the infrastructure used to generate material for growing the Iranian nuclear program. Stuxnet attacked centrifuges used to enhance the raw nuclear material from a lower grade, to weapons grade material. Although it has not been confirmed by any government sources, and malware industry insiders have not released information (if they have any) – again, no confirmation, and no denials.

Mashable contacted industry experts from companies such as Kaspersky Labs – who would neither confirm, nor deny the source of these attacks – but did indicate that this level of sophistication need not mean a governmental involvement. The contact with in Kaspersky Labs also went on to imply that this particular threat – the “ItsOKNoProblemBro” trojan – is “far from sophisticated”.

Have you any inside knowledge on these attacks? Do you work for a bank that has been subjected to these DDoS attacks? Contact us if you have more information.

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