Is your IT Professional a trusted advisor, or the guy (or gal) who you call when things go wrong?

Too many Business Owners keep their IT company at arms length!

Whether it’s because they have a ‘break-fix’ relationship, or because they fear large bills and have no faith that the IT solutions bring value to their business.  An all too common approach to the tech-company, is to have them on speed-dial but pray you never have to call them.

We suggest that your IT company should be your prized business partner - not someone you call when things go horribly wrong!

We suggest that your IT company should be your prized business partner – not someone you call when things go horribly wrong!

Does that sound like your relationship with your IT company?

If so, we should talk, and soon!

We want our customers to call us. They call, email and submit tickets when they need solutions.  Our customers contact us because we bring solutions, and because we bring value to the relationship.  More importantly, our customers don’t fear our bills because we save them time and money!

We all face challenges …

Every business faces challenges; whether in business, in marketing or in technology.  Please realize that either we, or someone we work with, probably has SIMILAR challenges.

You deserve to work with a company that can understand your challenges, and either has solutions and partners ready to go, or can quickly recommend solutions or solution providers to you.

When our customers call, it’s because they know that we may have already advised someone on the very thing they are struggling with;  if so, the solution will be quick, easy and above all, affordable!

We’ve been in business a LONG TIME, so we’ve helped businesses like yours with a LOT of challenges!

Computer Security Solutions is will be quick to admit when we’re not the solution – how about that?  We’re not big-headed enough to think we have every answer, or that we can fix everything – Yes, it’s true – we understand when we’re out of our comfort zones, and that’s precisely why we have partners, both locally and nationally.

These are partners that we refer our customers to for technologies we don’t handle ourselves, such as telephony, or printers.  These partners of ours are trusted advisors for us in a number of areas where it makes no sense in us trying to bring value directly. In those cases, it’s our job to make those introductions if they’re the best fit for you.

But wait… there’s more …

We also take the approach that it’s our role to keep abreast of new technologies.  Whether they be from Microsoft, Google, or some company you’ve never heard of.  We work to find ways to bring business value to our customers from these tools.  Expect newsletters and calls from us when we find these tools to make your job easier… does that sound like your IT company?  We thought not…

So are you working with an IT company that sounds like this?

Most aren’t it seems – at least in our experience.

We commonly come across small business owners who treat their IT company like a doctor and patient relationship from the 1800’s – they call them when they have problems and they expect it to hurt – maybe even cost them an arm or a leg.. but that’s not who Computer Security Solutions is!

If you want the kind of relationship with your IT solutions provider where you know you can call or email just for a technology chat –  call us – 877-886-3738 – or locally – 970-744-7300.

Give us 10 minutes of your time so  we can find out quickly if our approach to technology will help you and your business – if not, we have partners… oh yes, you heard that part already… 🙂

You can place all the updates of these things in our hands – we offer managed antivirus, backup, patching and helpdesk to our managed services customers!

Ready for the right solutions?

It’s time to offload your technology troubles and security stress.

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