Security Humor: and now for something completely different – part 1

Some days you just have to take a minute to breathe…

Security Humor: we have identified the source of our problems...

If you have worked in IT Security for any length of time, you’re going to be familiar with the old chestnut that “We’d be very secure if it weren’t for the users!”

That might well be true to some extent, but let us not forget that computers don’t get infected in a vacuum – the infections requires lack of patches, and an exposure to malicious code or intent – whether from a USB Thumb drive, or an internet page, or an email. These things just don’t happen if your computer is not exposed to malicious code.

Users can be the solution – educate your users – have them tell you when things go wrong, or don’t behave correctly. Even if they’re just getting a regular browser crash, that’s information which can be used to better protect your IT systems. Work WITH your users, not against them!

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